Thursday, November 4, 2010

It`s start now

It’s now fourth day in New York, slipping past the third.

It’s raining outside and it’s the first one since I got here.

The weather on the day I arrived at JFK was gorgeous.

Just like in Seoul, the color of New York City’s sky in fall is a bright azure.

since I got here, I was busy making visits to so many interesting places, as I was so excited to be here.

Looking and walking around on the streets of the city with the help of the subway map that I brought from Korea, I got on the subway when I found a station that happened to be nearby. If I happened to get off at a wrong station, I just got out and walked around a little more without realizing where I might end up, taking advantage of this chance meeting.

As I walked around, a thought popped into my head, saying, “wow, I’m in a Woody Allan’s movie!,” or, “maybe, this is Martin Scorsese’s.”

I’m exhausted now after spending my energy on walking and taking note of the places I’d been since I got here. As tired as I am, I’ve decided to start blogging.

Since it’s raining today and I only have one place, Sky Scraper Museum, to visit, I’m going to plan out my next month in New York City.

Let’s begin! One month as a new yorker.

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